Police Law Blog European Decisions Statutory Materials

Nominal damages only for technically unlawful arrest and detention

The latest decision of the Court of Appeal in Parker v Chief Constable of Essex Police [2018] EWCA Civ 2788 is important for all police lawyers. The facts are quite detailed but, essentially, where the police perform an unlawful arrest (which would result in unlawful detention), the arrested person will receive only nominal damages where […]

PACE Codes of Practice

The PACE Codes of Practice are available on the Home Office site, on a recently updated page. It states the most recent version of each Code, together with previous versions of the codes and the dates they came into force. The page is here:  https://www.gov.uk/guidance/police-and-criminal-evidence-act-1984-pace-codes-of-practice. […]

Covert surveillance and covert human intelligence sources codes of practice

The Home Office has issued revised Guidance on the use of covert surveillance or human intelligence sources by public authorities under part 2 of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) 2000. The codes of practice also provide guidance on entry or interference with property or wireless telegraphy by public authorities under section 5 of the […]

Pilot Scheme to allow for protection orders to be served on a centralised police email address

As we head into the next legal term, it is worth noting the pilot scheme that came into effect at the end of July 2018 when some lawyers were downing-tools for a short summer break. The Family Procedure Rules has a new Practice Direction 36H, which sets up a pilot scheme to allow for the following […]

Singapore Court of Appeal rejects UK Supreme Court on malicious prosecution

As part of ‘dialogue’ with other common law jurisdictions, the Court of Appeal of the Republic of Singapore (Singapore’s highest court) in Tat Development PTE Ltd v Management Corporation of Grange Heights Strata Title Plan No 301 [2018] SGCA 50 has declined to follow the UK Supreme Court on extending the tort of malicious prosecution […]