Police Law Blog European Decisions Statutory Materials

College of Policing Guidance on Misconduct Outcomes

The College of Policing has published a document, “Guidance on outcomes in police misconduct proceedings”. As stated on their website: The introduction of the guidance will mean there is increased fairness and proportionality in cases which is important for officers and public confidence in the hearings. As part of assessing the seriousness in cases, misconduct […]

Should police officers be separated after a shooting?

In February 2017, there was something of a falling out between the police and the IPCC regarding post-incident procedures when police firearms are deployed. Reasonable arguments were made on all sides, robustly and publicly. Shortly before his retirement as Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe gave a speech calling for “less suspicion and more trust” […]

Can police forces publish misconduct investigation reports? Should they?

Publication of misconduct investigation reports can give rise to difficult and important questions, particularly in cases where there has been no misconduct hearing because there has been a determination of “no case to answer”, or because the accused officer has resigned or retired. To my knowledge there is no provision in the Police Reform Act […]